State Profiles

Connecting Health Outcomes to Practice and Policy with the LEAHP State Profiles

The Leadership Exchange for Adolescent Health Promotion (LEAHP) is an initiative funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) to support cross-sector collaboration and learning among teams of state leaders engaged in the education and health sectors.

State teams co-develop and implement an action plan related to improving adolescent health in at least one of the following priority areas:

  • Sexual health education (SHE)
  • Sexual health services (SHS)
  • Safe and supportive environments (SSE)

LEAHP state teams have access to a range of training and technical assistance (TA) offerings, such as individualized support from TA providers and subject matter experts, webinars and communities of practice, and access to and high-quality research and data. Among these resources are the LEAHP state profiles, which aim to help LEAHP state teams use data to reflect on the needs of youth in their state and set priorities.

To provide information across these areas and domains, the profiles share data from reliable sources such as the CDC, SIECUS, and the Guttmacher Institute. LEAHP state profiles combine state and federal data on various aspects of youth health outcomes and school-based health services to provide state leaders with a fuller picture of the status of youth health and the factors that impact youth health outcomes. The LEAHP state profiles also highlight state-level policy detailing requirements and non-regulatory guidance that are related to the priority areas (e.g., SHE, SHS, and SSE).

In a dynamic and ever-changing policy landscape, the profiles can be leveraged as a valuable tool to assess the current strengths, gaps, and opportunities regarding youth sexual health in your state. In the profiles, policy descriptors are displayed alongside data points so users can identify potential links between policy implementation and youth health outcomes. State agency officials can strengthen policy implementation by familiarizing themselves with existing state policies, regularly reviewing youth health data, and identifying further priority areas.

We encourage you to check out your own state profiles and those of other states you are interested in learning more about. As more data and policies are updated, if you would like to receive an up-to-date state profile, please reach out to  

State profile downloads

Schools shape adolescents’ health in several different ways: educating students
about health behaviors, providing or connecting students to health services, and
creating safe and supportive environments. Policies at the state level facilitate
schools’ abilities to carry out these actions through three pathways:
  1. Fostering the development of staff capacity
  2. Ensuring access to high-quality programs and services
  3. Encouraging schools to engage in meaningful ways with the community
Explore the sexual health status and behaviors of adolescents in the following U.S. states:
Illustration of a couple holding hands while looking into each others faces.

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